How to Ask Boss for Half Day Leave Due to Fever – How to Request Boss for Half Day Leave

Requesting a half-day leave due to fever requires a tactful and professional approach. Begin by choosing an appropriate time to discuss your request, ensuring your boss can give it proper attention. Draft a polite email with a straightforward subject line, such as “Leave Request – Half Day Due to Fever.” Start with a courteous greeting, clearly stating the reason for your request due to illness. Express gratitude for your boss’s understanding and offer to complete pending tasks if applicable. Provide a contact number for urgent matters and end with a professional closing, expressing anticipation of approval. Follow up if necessary to ensure acknowledgment. Honesty and clarity are key, as employers generally appreciate employees who responsibly address their well-being.

Requesting a half-day leave due to fever requires a delicate and professional approach. Here’s a guide on how to ask your boss for a half-day leave:

Choose the Right Time:
Select an appropriate time to discuss your leave request. If possible, choose a time when your boss is not too busy and can give your request proper attention.

Draft a Polite Email or Message:
Use a professional tone when drafting your email or message. Clearly state the purpose of your communication—requesting a half-day leave due to fever. Keep the subject line straightforward, such as “Leave Request – Half Day Due to Fever.”

Begin with a Greeting:
Start your email with a polite greeting. For example: “Dear _________ (Boss’s Name),”

Clearly State the Reason:
Clearly and concisely mention that you are not feeling well and have developed a fever. Indicate that, based on your health condition, you believe taking a half-day leave is necessary.

Express Gratitude:
Express gratitude for your boss’s understanding and consideration. For example: “I appreciate your understanding and support in this matter.”

Offer to Complete Pending Tasks:
If applicable, offer to complete any urgent or pending tasks before leaving for the day. Assure your boss that you will make arrangements to ensure a smooth workflow during your absence.

Provide a Contact Number:
Include your contact number in case your boss needs to reach you for any urgent matters or further clarification.

End with a Professional Closing:
End your email with a professional closing. For instance: “Thank you for your understanding. I look forward to your approval for the half-day leave. Best regards, (Your Full Name).”

Follow Up If Necessary:
If your boss doesn’t respond promptly, consider following up politely after some time to ensure that your request has been acknowledged.

Remember, honesty and clarity are essential when communicating about your health. Employers generally appreciate employees who are responsible and proactive about taking care of their well-being.

Expert Tip: You may use the following content in your Request to “Boss for Half Day Leave” letter, email, text

“Respected Boss,

I am writing this letter, email, text to request you to kindly sanction half day leave in my name for __/__/____ (date) as _________ (mention reason).

Thanking you”


  • how to ask boss for half day leave due to some reason in English
  • how to write to boss to ask for half day leave
  • how to request boss to ask for half day’s leave

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